Our Oceans

By Ylenia Deidun

Our oceans bloom with life. They cover 71% of the Earth’s surface, although we humans have only discovered less than 5% of the ocean. The same thing goes for the species that live in the ocean. Most of life on Earth is aquatic, and although we have discovered 240,470 marine species, that number is believed to be a very small proportion of the species that still have to be discovered. The ocean contains more historical artefacts than museums, and the world’s longest mountain chain is underwater. The ocean also provides us with oxygen. 70% of the Earth’s oxygen is produced by the ocean. These facts prove how incredible our ocean is … Read more …

Yr 4 – Dinja Waħda – Our Flying Guests

Waqt lezzjoni ta’ Dinja Waħda, l-istudenti tar-raba’ sena tgħallmu dwar l-għasafar li niltaqgħu magħhom. Ta’ spiss ninnutaw li madwar l-iskola jkun hemm ammont kbir ta’ għasafar ipespsu. Nisimgħuhom waqt il-lezzjoni kif inkunu ftit fil-kwiet.

Emily Galea, Mia Mintoff, Maya Galea u Nora Busuttil Linwood jaqsmu magħna xi informazzjoni dwar l-għasafar li tgħallmu dwarhom. Kompli aqra …

Tpinġija ta’ Mia Mintoff

Yr 5 Blue – Assembly about saving the oceans

Year 5 Blue prepared an assembly about how to save the ocean by reducing plastic. They talked about how a plastic bag could affect the ocean and cause damage. They suggested that bags should be reusable so that they can be used again and again instead of ending up in the ocean after just one use. Afterwards, they sang a rap song and invited the other year 5s to dance along with them to help them understand the importance of saving the ocean.

Read more … to find out what each one of them has to say about this experience.

Yr 4 – Science – Lessons about Litter

During their Science lessons, our Yr 4 students have discussed the 3Rs: Reduce, reuse, recycle.

Alisa Mizzi Alessandro explains what she has learnt and how she and her family are applying this knowledge on a daily basis.

“I can do a lot for the environment, especially if I follow regularly the 3Rs: Reduce, reuse, recycle. At home we always use energy efficient bulbs and appliances, thus reducing the consumption of electricity.”

Read more …

Yr 6 – English Comprehensions about sharks

Our year 6 students have learnt about sharks during their English comprehension lesson. Here is what Mattea Gatt has learnt and would like to share with us:

“Although many people are afraid of sharks, they are not harmful to humans. Only around two accidents happen each year. There are over 340 species of sharks. The largest shark is the Whale shark although, a long time ago there was a larger species; the Megalodon; which now is extinct. Read More…

Photo by Adi Perets on Pexels.com

Community Action day

Bħala parti mis-sehem tagħna fil-Litterless Campaign, bi pjaċir nippreżentaw il-video li ppreżentajna fil-Community Action Day. Dan il-filmat ġie rrekordjat mill-membri tal-EkoSkola tas-sitt sena li din is-sena ħadmu ferm biex inaqqsu l-iskart u jżidu kuxjenza dwar dan is-suġġett fost sħabhom. L-għan ta’ dan il-filmat hu li nwasslu x-xogħol li sar għand l-istudenti kollha tal-iskola u nkomplu nħajru l-parteċipazzjoni ta’ kulħadd.