Artikli oħra

Hawnhekk se ssibu artikli miktuba mill-istudenti tagħna dwar suġġetti li jinteressawhom.

Interview with BirdLife Malta

Our diligent grade 6 student, Colette Borg, has interviewed Alice Fantin from BirdLife Malta. In this very interesting interview we can get to know more about BirdLife Malta’s mission and the work they do to protect birds and nature and to raise awareness.

We encourage you to become a member of BirdLife Malta by visiting their website:

For more information about BirdLife Malta visit:

Creating an EkoSkola Checklist

Jasmine Tonna is a Form 1 student who has been active in the EkoSkola committee for several years. Here she’s sharing one of her initiatives, a checklist for students to self-assess their effort towards a better classroom environment. She came up with the idea and designed the checklist herself. Read more…

Veronica’s experience as an EkoSkola member

Veronica Sciberras is a grade 6 students who has been an active member in the EkoSkola committe for the past 3 years. She’s eager to share her experience, from watering plants and planting seeds, to EkoSkola outings and fundraising activities.

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Our Earth

by Julia Debono

Julia Debono is a grade 6 student and these are some of the questions she asks herself. Here are some of her reflections which she’d like to share with us. Continue reading …

1, 2, 3, Save the Trees!

by Yasmin Spiteri

People cut down trees for lots of reasons. This is because people need to build stores, houses, and other buildings. People also cut down trees to clear land for agricultural use. In some cases, trees are cut down for wood for fires to heat up our homes and cook food. Trees are also used for paper to write on. BUT WHY?

Trees are vital. As the biggest plants on the planet, they give us oxygen, store carbon, stabilize the soil and give life to the world’s wildlife. They also provide us with the materials for tools and shelter.

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Sharklab – Interview

Colette Marie Borg is one of our grade 6 students who took the initiative to interview the Science Officer of Sharklab, Rae Doyle. Sharklab-Malta are proud to be a Malta based NGO. Their main objectives are to raise awareness about sharks, skates and rays, increase research efforts, and contribute to conservation on all levels.

Watch the interview and visit Sharklab’s website …

This interview tells us more about what Sharklab-Malta does and how we can join their mission.

Il-kura tas-snien

L-istudenti tar-raba’ sena ddiskutew is-suġġett tal-kura tas-snien waqt il-lezzjonijiet tax-xjenza. Iltaqgħu wkoll mad-dentista Dr Adrienne Busuttil li kellmithom dwar kif għandhom jaħslu snienhom, x’tip ta’ toothpaste għandhom jagħżlu u x’ikel jagħmel il-ħsara.

Għamlu wkoll craft li għenhom jifhmu aħjar b’liema mod għandhom jaħslu snienhom … L-istudenti tar-raba’ sena jgħidulna x’tgħallmu minn din l-esperjenza …

Komplu aqraw …

What a wonderful world!

ta’ Michela Camilleri

We have a beautiful world. Keep it safe, keep it beautiful, and most importantly keep it a home for the animals, for me and for you. Continue Reading …

Wind Power

ta’ Michela Camilleri

Wind was used to benefit the human race since the ancient Egyptians started using sail boats to travel on water. Continue Reading …