Cross curricular themes

It-temi ralatati mal-ambjent niltaqgħu magħhom ta’ spiss fil-klassi. Hawnhekk se naraw kif l-istudenti tagħna qed jiltaqgħu ma’ dawn it-temi fil-klassijiet tagħhom.

Is-sena skolastika 2021-2022

Yr 4 – Science – Lessons about Litter

During their Science lessons, our Yr 4 students have discussed the 3Rs: Reduce, reuse, recycle.

Alisa Mizzi Alessandro explains what she has learnt and how she and her family are applying this knowledge on a daily basis.

“I can do a lot for the environment, especially if I follow regularly the 3Rs: Reduce, reuse, recycle. At home we always use energy efficient bulbs and appliances, thus reducing the consumption of electricity.”

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Yr 6 – English Comprehensions about sharks

Our year 6 students have learnt about sharks during their English comprehension lesson. Here is what Mattea Gatt has learnt and would like to share with us:

“Although many people are afraid of sharks, they are not harmful to humans. Only around two accidents happen each year. There are over 340 species of sharks. The largest shark is the Whale shark although, a long time ago there was a larger species; the Megalodon; which now is extinct. Read More…

Photo by Adi Perets on

Il-pjanti fil-klassijiet tat-tielet sena

Dan ix-xahar, fil-klassi tat-tielet sena tal-primarja tgħallimna dwar l-istadji li jgħaddu minnhom żrieragħ sakemm isiru pjanti.  Kompli aqra …

Is-sena skolastika 2020-2021

Litter in the primary classrooms

Our students have been learning about problems cause by litter and waste management. Some have discussed the importance of the 3Rs: Reducing, Reusing and Recycling, some have come up with their own ideas on how we can make our planet a better place and some have created their own products by reusing materials which would otherwise have gone to waste. Read more …

Grade 2
Grade 4
Grade 3

Tree Cutting for Palm Oil

Tara Sever is a very creative grade 6 student who is concerned about the state of our environment. Inspired by an English lesson about tree cutting for palm oil, she decided to share her thoughts with us. She also wrote a very interesting skit.

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Healthy plate in grade 4

Grade 4 students have discussed the importance of eating a healthy and balanced diet.

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Il-kura tas-snien fir-4 sena

L-istudenti tar-raba’ sena ddiskutew is-suġġett tal-kura tas-snien waqt il-lezzjonijiet tax-xjenza. Iltaqgħu wkoll mad-dentista Dr Adrienne Busuttil li kellmithom dwar kif għandhom jaħslu snienhom, x’tip ta’ toothpaste għandhom jagħżlu u x’ikel jagħmel il-ħsara.

Għamlu wkoll craft li għenhom jifhmu aħjar b’liema mod għandhom jaħslu snienhom … L-istudenti tar-raba’ sena jgħidulna x’tgħallmu minn din l-esperjenza …

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Plant Life Cycle in Grade 3

As part of their Science lesson, the grade 3 students explored the life cycle of a plant. They also worked on a craft showing the different stages of the plant life cycle.

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